World of Work Week

During the last week of the first half term we completed our World of Work Week. Throughout the week the whole school took part in workshops to promote the use of mathematics and numeracy in the workplace. We had such a busy week but had lots of fun learning about how important it is that we learn maths and how we use the skills daily.

We would like to say a HUGE diolch yn fawr to all of the volunteers that gave up their time to come in to school to talk to the children and share how important using mathematics and numeracy is in their jobs.


Mr Jenkins started our World of Work week off beautifully. His presentation to Dosbarth Brenig and Dosbarth Tegid was very interesting indeed and he produced a wonderful visual display of the different materials and tools he uses in his role as a joiner. The children not only learnt about the skills needed to be a joiner, but also about running your own joinery business. During the visit, Mr Jenkins explained the importance of angles and measuring, and the children had the opportunity to put these skills to good use, working collaboratively to build a beautiful table.

Dosbarth Brenig took part in a Technocamps workshop to create a rocket. They learnt about forces and how the correct combination of weight, thrust, time and distance is vital to ensure the rocket launched successfully and reached the target height. They then built their own rockets, before stepping outside to test them to see how far they could fly. The rockets soared into the sky above and the activity was thoroughly enjoyed by all!

Dosbarth Celyn had a wonderful workshop with Will from Technocamps. They learnt all about algorithms and how we need to be clear with instructions so that people and computers understand. The children followed an algorithm to draw an image and then came up with their own algorithm to draw a friendly monster. After that the children had to give instructions to Sandwhich-bot to make a marmalade sandwich for Paddington. Finally the children used Lego to make a small model and give directions to their partner.


Year 1 to 4 went on a visit to Xplore! Whilst they were there they completed a number of workshops. Firstly the children completed a workshop from Principality Building Society. They learnt about saving money and how to pay money into an account, played money bingo, completed chores to earn money and decided if they would spend their money or save it.

The children then split in to two groups to complete activities. Year 1 and 2 learnt all about the Post Office. They sorted shapes, posted letters, weighed parcels, posted letters around the world and used money to find different amounts for items in the shop.

Year 3 and 4 completed a coding workshop using Lego and computers to create algorithms to make the lion move.

Dosbarth Tegid took part in a workshop from HSBC about Fairtrade and getting the most for their money. They also had a workshop from Technocamps to make rockets!


On Wednesday Dosbarth Brenig and Dosbarth Tegid had a visit from Mrs Chadwick who works at Lloyd’s Bank. She taught the children how to keep their money safe and managing budgets.

Dosbarth Celyn were visited by Mrs Curtis who helped them learn to recognise coins and how much each coin is worth and they also designed their own coin. Mrs Curtis has given the children a challenge to see who can find the first new coin with King Charles on in the coming weeks.

In the afternoon the whole school took part in a workshop with Mr and Mrs Green who run a photography business. The children found out how costings, angles, and distance play an important part in their job. We were very lucky to have a look at the cameras and drone and get a whole school picture and video outside using the drone too! We can’t wait to see the final edit!


On Thursday we watched the pantomime Snow White as a whole school. We even sang a times table song!


On Friday we had our final visitor of the week. Emma from North Wales Fire and Rescue came to talk to us about her job. Can you believe they only have 20 seconds to get ready and be out of the station on a call – even if they are asleep!!! We heard about how many calls the fire service get each year. This time of year is especially busy and we were reminded about how to keep safe for Halloween and Bonfire Night.